About Belfast Hills Partnership
The Belfast Hills Partnership (BHP) is an independent charity which seeks to improve how the hills are managed. We will do this by working with our partners including local councils, government departments, community groups, nature conservation organisations and businesses committed to caring for the Belfast Hills and their people.
The Belfast Hills Partnership acts for all sides and interests in the hills.
We bring together statutory bodies with a role to play, including the three councils of Belfast City Council, Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council, and Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council. These are joined by people from farming community, the urban community, commercial enterprises and the recreation and environmental sectors.
All these groups have pledged to work together to solve problems and forge new initiatives to benefit the Belfast Hills.
What we do
- Strive to protect the wildlife of the Belfast Hills
- Combat invasive species that threaten our native plants and animals
- Record wildlife and protect habitats
- Woodland creation and restoration
- Commission environmental research
- Environmental Education with young people, schools and other youth groups
- Facilitate volunteering opportunities
- Improve access and develop routes
- Encourage a healthy lifestyle by encouraging people to get active in the Hills
- Produce leaflets, provide information and promote responsible access
- Organise events, produce newsletters and manage website and social media pages
- Support local agriculture and communities
- Scrutinise planning applications that may affect the Belfast Hills
- Make sure government departments consider the Belfast Hills when making decisions
In order to achieve our aims, we are a Registered Company (Company Number NI053189) and Charity (Inland Revenue No. XR70288, Charity Commission NI No. 100859).