Record or report what you see in the Belfast hills. We are particularly interested in records of fly-tipping or illegal dumping, wildfires, wildlife crime and biodiversity sightings.
We have roughly 700,000 visitors a year to our public sites in the hills. Including drivers passing through the hills means there’s well over a million sets of eyes and ears seeing what’s going on! If you’re up in the Belfast Hills please be ready to report anything that needs attention or is of note. Just 1% of our visitors means 10,000 people are ready to help us manage the hills better. This is much appreciated.
Each type of report needs to go through various departments and organisations; be patient and find the right email or number below. If you are still unsure get in touch with us directly at [email protected]. Please be aware that organisations will need to hear from you directly; second-hand reports tend not to be as useful.