
Your Ancestors

Your Ancestors

Were your folks from the Belfast Hills?

We have researched a list of the names of families living in the Belfast Hills in the 1840s.
Here is a step-by-step process to unlock your past in the Belfast Hills. Don’t worry if you don’t find your name. We have lots of other resources available below.

Belfast Hills Family Search

Click on the alphabetical sections of names that apply to you.

This will give you the townland, parish and county where your ancestors lived within the boundary of the Belfast Hills.

If you have find a family name, now go to 1840s Ireland  Griffith’s Valuation. Fill in the details in the search facility and unlock your past.

Other Resources and Useful Links

Whether you have found a name or not, searching the census on the will give you an incredible range of information about family members, occupations, ages and place of birth.

The Public Records Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) is located in Belfast’s Titanic Quarter and has a host of onsite and online resources.

There are also a series of lecture presentations about local history. Just click here to access the lectures.

Belfast city council has a graves facility to help you trace your family in the city’s cemetery plots.

No luck? Don’t despair!

Click on the ‘genealogy document’ at the bottom of this page for a comprehensive rundown on family tree sources throughout Ireland.

We also have lots of in-house archives to help you discover more about your roots in the Belfast Hills! Call in to our offices or contact us on +44 (0)28 9060 3466.

If you do find relatives email us as we may have more information for your ancestry search.