The “Not So Common” Newt
One of our less well-known animals in the Belfast Hills is the Common Newt (usually known as the Smooth Newt). Despite it’s name, it is no longer very common, and is now designated a Northern Ireland Priority Species. This means it is protected by law.
Smooth, or Common, Newts are one of only two native amphibians in N. Ireland (the other being the Common Frog). Romance is high on their priorities during this time of year. Newts seek out small ponds or ditches, and even garden ponds, for breeding. Males develop an orange belly and a distinctive wavy crest on their back during the breeding season. They perform a courtship dance to woo females, who then lay as many as 300 individual eggs in vegetation around pond edges. This differs from frogs which lay masses of eggs together (“frogspawn”). The young newts emerge during the summer, and are called “efts”. Later in the year, newts leave their ponds and spend the winter hibernating under logs or stones. They may even choose to hibernate under garden sheds!
How You Can Help
There are a lot of things you can do to help newts in your area. If you have a garden pond, consider devoting it to wildlife. Fish will usually eat newts so we would discourage keeping any. Consider creating a pond if you don’t have one. Keep some areas of your garden not overly manicured: areas of long grass, or piles of stones or logs will shelter newts over the winter. Try to avoid using chemicals in your garden. Amphibians have wet skin which is very susceptible to absorbing pesticides and other chemicals. If you see a newt, send the details with a photo to CEDaR. This helps grow our knowledge about where they are.
Smooth newts have declined in recent years, and it is important that we monitor them. Seán Meehan, representing the Irish Wildlife Trust, recently led a training event for the Belfast Hills Partnership, where volunteers learned how to survey for this elusive creature.
Belfast Hills Partnership also carry out regular surveys for a range of other animals and plants, including bats, butterflies, birds and wildflowers. If you are interested in gaining experience with wildlife surveys, please contact us. Email [email protected] or call 028 9060 3466.