Trout Animation Project

Trout Animation Still

Young film makers ‘tackling’ the protection of local fish and rivers with trout animation project.

Trout Animation Still

Year 8 pupils from Lagan Integrated College have made a short animation in a bid to protect their local rivers. The Belfast Hills Partnership and Belfast Harbour Commission’s ‘Trout Animation Project’ was created by students who were mentored by Joel Simon. Joel is an accomplished animator, with over 20 years experience working with clients including CBBC, Comic Relief, Sesame Street and Channel 4.

Over eight weeks the students learned about local biodiversity issues and lifecycles. This informed their storyboards, sets and animations showing the devastating effects of pollution to our local waterways and loughs. The resulting cautionary tale tells of the damaging impact of pollution on trout populations. This ranges from litter to effluent from industries and other major pollutants.

The film, first launched at Belfast Harbour Commissioner’s Office, will now go on release to tour local schools. Therefore, it will serve as an educational tool to teach other young people about local environmental issues.

The initiative is part of the National Lottery’s Our Bright Future Project. The project aims to encourage young people to find out more about their local rivers and how they connect the Hills to the city. Additionally it will encourage them to become the future ambassadors for our natural heritage and wildlife.

“The primary aim of the film was to help young people gain new skills by learning about their local environment. We believe peer education in the form of this film may be a successful component of helping connect young people to local issues. We feel that by developing strong links – specifically with schools located close to the Belfast Hills – we will see young people emerge who wish to enjoy and protect local habitats and wildlife.”

Jo Boylan, Belfast Hills Partnership Youth Outreach Officer

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