Landscape Partnership Scheme

The Belfast Hills Partnership obtained funding in December 2011 from the Heritage Lottery Fund and other organisations to undertake a Landscape Partnership Scheme which ran from January 2012 to March 2018. The project contains a portfolio that will continue to provide long term social, economic and environmental benefits for the areas surrounding the Belfast Hills.

It was our vision to restore, both physically and in the minds of our people, the Belfast Hills as a vital living asset for Belfast and beyond, an asset to actively enjoy, gain inspiration from and protect as a living part of our Belfast and Lagan Valley region.

The Landscape Partnership Scheme helped to protect some of our most treasured landscapes by bringing communities and organisations together to form partnerships which created a shared vision for the Belfast Hills. The partnerships are still going strong and continue to implement local action to boost the conservation and management of our landscape heritage.

The Landscape Partnership Scheme is now in the legacy stages of the project which will ensure that the works undertaken under the programme will continue including the volunteering scheme.

BHP Landscape Partnership Logo (old)
interpretative panels divis


Discover how access to the hills were improved as part of the Landscape Partnership Scheme (2012 – 2018).

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LPS School History Lesson


Discover the work we done in partnership with the local community as part of the Landscape Partnership Scheme (2012 – 2018).

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LPS Carnmoney Launch 2015


Discover the various conservation projects that were undertaken as part of the Landscape Partnership Scheme (2012 – 2018).

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LPS Training Day


Discover the various training courses that were undertaken as part of the Landscape Partnership Scheme (2012 – 2018).

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