kids outdoors

Outdoor Learning Resources (Primary)

Download our Outdoor Learning Resource packs, Litter Legends and Marvellous Minibeasts, in order to engage young learners in outdoor education. You can watch the accompanying videos on our YouTube channel and complete the fun and informative activities within the packs. These resources directly link to the NI Primary Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2 through The World Around Us, helping children develop an awareness of themselves, their place in the world and the environment.

Litter Legends

This pack is designed to introduce pupils to the topic of litter. It will explore what litter is, it’s impact on the environment and what we can do about it. We hope that the video and these activities will get pupils thinking about our impact on the environment. Additionally we want to highlight how our positive actions can have a beneficial effect on the local environment and wildlife. The theme of this pack explores the positive & negative effects of people on the natural environment over time, change over time and our responsibility to make an active contribution to the natural world.

Marvellous Minibeasts

This pack is designed to introduce pupils to minibeasts. It will explore the importance of insects’ roles in our world, including pollination, and how we can help them. We hope that the video and these activities will get pupils thinking about how important insects are to us and our ecosystems and how our positive actions can have a beneficial effect on the local environment and wildlife. The theme of this pack explores the interdependence between plants, animals and people, as well as how animals adapt and survive within in varying environments. It also highlights how people can effect positive change on their environment and benefit local wildlife. 

Find the accompanying videos on our YouTube

Contact our Environmental Engagement Officer Aodhan for more information: aodhan.o’[email protected]

Thanks to Ernest Cook Trust and National Lottery Heritage Fund NI for funding this project.


We have a number of opportunities for young people and schools to get involved with Belfast Hills Partnership and enhance their connection to the natural world.

environmental education

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